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Value-based recruitment is an approach to hiring which helps employers find candidates whose personal values align with their organisation’s values.

When newly hired employees’ cultural preferences align with their work environment, they will not only feel happier within their role but offer more potent performance. They are also far less likely to leave the company in the shorter term.

Although on paper, this hiring technique may sound simple, it can be challenging to assess how well a candidate will fit into the business. Therefore, knowing how to evaluate candidates based on their values is essential. To do this successfully, a value-based recruitment strategy should be incorporated into the hiring process.

Why should companies focus on values?

Prioritising specific beliefs and values will attract the right skilled individuals your company is searching for. Values are the guiding principles which have a strong influence on a person’s behavior, and decision-making ability.

A candidate could be extremely professional and dedicated but their true personal values will be demonstrated through their actions.

Strong and clear values can contribute positively to your company by providing direction and ownership to your employees. This strategy helps your employees align their career goals with your company’s objectives.

Focusing on values when recruiting has many benefits, including:

  • Improved Productivity
  • Healthy Work Environment
  • Better Staff Morale
  • Decreased Employee Turnover
  • Higher Employee Engagement

How to run a successful values-based recruitment plan?

This plan is more than just communicating with potential candidates that your company practices certain values. Every stage of your hiring process should reflect these company values, in order to connect with the right candidates.

First things first, map out your company’s values so that you understand them in full depth. Then, infuse these values into the job posting. This means that you are making it clear to potential candidates that you want these values to be translated into the role they are applying to.

With this, take advantage of pre-employment assessments to learn more about potential candidates. These assessments could be one or more of:

  • Personality questionnaire
  • Cognitive tests
  • Role-play
  • Situational judgement assessment
  • Cognitive or behavioural tests

Final Thoughts

If you’re hoping to find candidates who will match the values of your company, then a value-based recruitment strategy is the direction to go. Despite this, it will be a more challenging recruitment process, so be aware of this when planning ahead.

A comprehensive strategy will lead to a more positive outcome because you’re more likely to select workers who will stay loyal to the company, preventing you from having to recruit again in the distant future.

Posted by: Morgan Spencer