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Interview Guide

Be Punctual

There is no excuse for being late to an interview. Know where you are going and how long it will take to get there, and add a reasonable amount of time to account for delays. Aim to be at least 10 minutes early, and if you don't know where you are going, do a practice run beforehand. It's also handy to take an A-Z along with you. If you haven't got one look it up on Google Maps or the day before your interview.


Have you familiarised yourself with the job specification?
Have you researched the company, looked at their website and know what they specialise in?
Knowing a bit about the company, have you thought about how you can benefit the organisation?
Can you predict what sort of questions you will be asked?

First Impressions Count

Always wear a suit to an interview unless advised otherwise, and preferably a dark one.
Look clean and fresh!
Jewellery and make up should be kept to a minimum.
Don't wear heavy perfume or cologne.
Remember, 'first impressions count'. Most interviewers will make up their minds about you in the first 10 minutes.

Selling yourself

Be confident and friendly.
Speak correctly, avoiding slang and colloquialisms.
When answering questions, look for opportunities to express your strengths.
Ask questions to gather more information about the company, making it easier to align your attributes to fit the role and company culture.
Always believe in yourself!

Do's and Don'ts

  • Don't put your handbag, briefcase, or elbows on the interviewer's desk.
  • Don't slouch, sit on the edge of your seat, shuffle your feet, or tap your fingers.
  • Do answer questions, concisely and honestly, and avoid getting sidetracked.
  • Don't interrupt, but do not be afraid to ask the the interviewer to repeat or clarify a question if you don't understand it.
  • Don't smoke, even if you are offered a cigarette.
  • Don't criticise former employers, employment agencies or anyone else.
  • Do explain your reasons for changing jobs in a positive way.
  • Do smile.
  • Do look the interviewer in the eye.
  • Do use the interviewers' name.
  • Do ask questions.  For example ask why the last person left, how long the company has been established, or how many offices they have?. If your mind goes blank, say something like "You've covered everything, but if I think of anything afterwards, may I ask through the agency?". One area to avoid is that of promotion; most companies are interested in filling the vacancy in hand.